Doing common good
Earning money or anything tangible in return of the effort you put into something is nice, undoubtedly. However, I like the principle of doing stuff for the benefit of the common. This is a broad subject which means it can be applied to many different occasions or fields.
I can define it as doing something beneficial/“good” for the other people in a society without expecting anything in return meanwhile being aware of your positive contribution to the society and its importance.
It actually helps everyone in a society
Anything we do that is beneficial for the others in a society will have a positive impact on the whole society itself. Since we are part of the society, it will impact our lives positively in the long term. This is how a society leaps through, indeed. Selfishness or being completely pragmatic as a whole community will eventually lead to downfall of one’s society.
Not everything is money (even if it’s cliché)
We should learn how to see the bigger picture. Doing good/beneficial things for “free” is not being stupid. Societies living in the latest stage of today’s capitalism might think otherwise since each hour of a person is measured by the amount of money it costs. However, I think that is short-sighted and overly pragmatic. It’s right that we sell hours of our life to earn money in return but using our time for doing common good does not translate to throwing those hours away for free. That’s why it’s important to know how we impact society in a positive manner and that we actually help the community advance. I think that’s much more important than basically selling your time to a random company which does not care about you at all.
Open source is there for the common good
That’s also partly why I love open source. It helps us to stand on the shoulder of giants and help with the advancement of the human society.